Thursday, February 23, 2006

What the Heck Happened Team Canada?

I recently got back to the office from Kamihoronai Sho Gakko. I had been studying Japanese but got bored and switched to posting. I have been closely watching the weather this week because tomorrow I plan to spend a good part of the afternoon outside. So far so good. Since Wednesday it has been really sunny, and if I had not looked at the calendar, I would have believed it was Spring. Tomorrow afternoon there is a small snow festival out at Kamihoronai to which many visitors with the Jiga organization will be coming out, probably around twenty, from all over Tokachi (I discussed this organization in a previous post). Kevin, Yuki, myself and three other English teachers will be heading out before lunch to help with the guests, all of which speak only the most basic Japanese. I often get very frustrated because I feel as if I can't communicate and don't know any Japanese what-so-ever, but here is a situation where even my limited grasp of the language will be helpful. Kamihoronai was a bee hive of activity today getting ready while I was there. There are all these giant piles of snow out from that look very inviting. I will most likely see many of my students from the school tomorrow and Kevin will some of his students too which are my student's older brothers and sisters. I will of course bring a camera to record the festivities. And luck-boy Kevin has a birthday on a Saturday so we are planning something. But it is a surprise so I can't go into too much detail in case he reads today's update.

Congrats to Japan's first medal of the Torino Olympic games: A gold metal by Shizuka Arakawa in figure skaiting. I am still dealing with Team Canada's loss in Mens Hockey. Kevin's is taking America's departure from finals much better. He is always happy while I am trying to fight off depression and deep probing questions about my national idenity. I think we must look at the players we selected for the Men's hockey team. Why on earth wasn't Crosby on the team? But I will admit that the Canadian Men's team was already stacked with amazing goal scorers. I'm not going to blame the goalie, Martin Brodeur, that guy's a wall. Probably just teamwork - not putting the finishing touches on plays, or else, maybe, the other team just wanted it more. The same old questions. These comments won't be the last on hockey because I still plan to watch the gold metal game at the Pure Malt Center. Although I am not the biggest hockey fan ever, I will admit to enjoying the odd game watched with friends and family. I had been desprestly looking forward to watching some good hockey, wanting to watch Team Canada in the gold-metal game on Sunday night (our time) with friends at the Pure Malt center. Now I am questioning going at all (along with my own existance). I am completely conflicted about who to cheer for. I may just follow the crowd on this one.

I would like to mention that my blog is slowly increasing its market share in Alberta's excellent neighbor province of Saskatchewan. If the weather stays nice, I think tomorrow afternoon is going to be really fun.

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