Friday, June 30, 2006

Weeds in my Yard

I just thought I would post images of these weeds that are growing in my front yard before I chop them down tomorrow. This morning I was looking at a quiet Friday night but now I am going to play badminton after work and then go out for a small bite to eat; which from there could turn into anything. I will try to avoid that "anything" because I am tired; my students make me tired. I witnessed a blazen example of how creative kids are this morning in my grade three-four English class. We were going over the actions of "Wheels on the Bus" and asking why the people were going "up and down" or saying "shhhh shhhh" or honking their horn. The reasons the students came up with were wide, varied and completely unpredictable. Really off the wall stuff. Adults are so pragmatic; myself included. This was all kind of off topic because the discussion was mostly in Japanese but it was good fun and it pays off in the long run if the students like the class. All the students in that class are very gun-hoe to learn English. And they love to dance. We played the song three times!

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