Sunday, November 20, 2005

NaNoWriMo - Update

I'm starting to view the whole motivation behind writing a novel in the space of one month as a slightly masochistic exercise. It's a lot of work. I just reached 35,189 words on Sunday night, which translates into 70.37% done. Being sick on Saturday with a cold, I was able to add just over 9000 words over the weekend. That's pretty good. With only nine days left I see no point in stopping now. My evenings are fairly free, my only commitment this week is an After Happyokai Party with the teachers from the elementary school. It's going to be a blast because the day after, a Wednesday, is a holiday. Oh, and this week is very odd because there's a holiday on Wednesday - just stuck there. I'm assume something will probably come up last minute on one of the other nights, but over all, I think things are very under control. If I can finish by next Sunday I will be very pleased. I feel I've been neglecting my books, my Japanese language studies, and my friends (or so they say), everything else was not impacted.

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