Sunday, January 15, 2006

Early in on Monday

Work doesn't officially start for another half an hour but I normally try to make an effort to come in early. It seems like the Japanese thing to do. I really don't have any reason what-so-ever to come in early, but my Dad has always gone in early to work for years and it doesn't seemed to of hurt anything.

Things are looking very slow for the next couple of months. No really big events. I guess the idea is to enjoy winter; but I don't know of any cultures that practice this. The idea has always been to surive.

So because I came in early I treated myself to a can of iced coffee. (Tastes just like a Starbucks frappy thing in a bottle.) I have been trying to cut down because of all the sugar in them, and the ice tea here is really good, but I went for two really good runs this weekend at the Sport Center and thus they are guilt free. The runs were only 40 min but I was able to keep a blistering pace so I was happy. I was surprised I had than in me. I would run today after work (and before dinner) but the Sport Center is closed so there's my excuse. I also hope to find a badminton game somewhere this week.

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