Monday, January 30, 2006


As promised, I have included my favorite picture from yesterday below. I quite like the shot especially because it was shot blind without looking at the LCD screen (because I was carrying one of my students on my back). I was only able to view the shot later at home and thought it was quite striking. The student's body is interestingly posed, sort of twisted, looking out of frame, and is very engaging visually. The sunlight, casting long shadows, also plays an interesting role. You will probably be surprised to learn that the shot was not taken late in the day but right around noon; thus the nature of (low-angle) winter-season light is revealed. I had some hestitations about posting the image; partly because I am perturbed that only random lucky shots of mine turn out and partly because the style - solidly post-modern - may not be to everyones' liking. Which is fine - we don't all have to like the same thing - but I don't want to add to people's daily onslaught of unsolicated, and maybe unwanted, images. In the spirit of full disclosure: The picture only has some slight post-processing. Some tweaks to the curve and also some different sharpening procedures. I also added a tiny bit of noise, which does two things; adds character to the image and also hides the hideous noise native to the tiny Sony digi cam. I also quickly removed some of the changes to the ledge on the right-side of the frame to keep it darker and bluier (this is just a stylistic preference on my part). Oh, and some lens correction to straighten the curved lines. The tiny lense of the tiny Sony produces a lot of distortion and I abhor it (probably due a deep seeded love of architecture). Some may question why I didn't rotate the image slightly to make the all lines parallel to the frame. I just didn't see much gain in correcting this, I liked the quailty produced by the angled lines in the composition. I have posted a small version of the original for comparison sake.

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1 comment:

Monsta said...

awesome pics :)