Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Something to offer

This is just a quick story, in lue of a more detailed update, from today's open class with the grade twos. I was surprised how subversive a group of 7 year olds can be. The focus was on foods but whenever we came to the word "Bread" they said "Blair," (which sounds very smiler if you are saying it with a lazy Japanese accent). Needless to say, I was biting my tongue because it really was quite funny. The kids knew exactly what there were doing. And the homeroom teacher, also trying to hold back his laughter, fought a losing battle in front of the kid's parents. "Say it properly please." The other English teachers were getting teary-eye'd watching the struggle. Other than that, the kids should be proud of what they presented at the end of class; I know I was impressed.

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